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In English, we just call it "the Sun".

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Q: What is the name of the star that is closest to the moon right now?
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Is the moon the star closest to earth true or false?

false the moon is not a star

What is the closest star to earth?

The Moon

What planet or star is always right of the moon?

Jupiter is to the right of the moon. It was closest a on September 1st, then is was just to the left of the moon. Since then, the moon has passed Jupiter and the distance (seen by an observer) between them has been increasing.

Does the star enter the moon?

Stars and the moon are very very far away. the closest star is over 20 light years away. and, the moon is very very small compared to a star. so a star couldent enter the moon, the moon would enter a star.

What is the name of the closest star to your planet?

My planet is Earth. Earth's closest star is the Sun.

Is the moon the closet planet to the earth?

The moon that revolves around the earth is not a star, it is part of the earth that was thrown off into space when the earth was hit by a large asteroid early in its development, about 30 million years after the earth first was formed. The closest star to the Earth is our Sun, it is a star and it is called Sol.

Is one star is between the earth and the moon?

No. The moon is the closest astronomical object to Earth. The closest star to Earth is the sun, which is about 400 times farther away than the moon. The next nearest star is more than 260,000 times farther away than the sun.

Is The moon the earths closest star?

The moon is not a star. It is a large ball of rock that orbits Earth as a satellite. A star is a huge ball of burning gas. Our star is called The Sun.

What is the main but closest star to the moon called?

The closest star to the moon is the Sun, of course. But if you mean looking up into the night sky, there would be different stars appearing next to the moon all the time, because the earth is moving and the moon is moving and the stars are unbelievably far away.

What is the name of the star that is the closest to OUR solar system?

After our own Sun, the closest star is called Proxima Centauri.

What is the name of the closest star system?

If by star system you mean more than one star but not a galaxy then Alpha Centauri is the closest star system

What is the name of closest star on the earth?

The sun