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Q: What is the name of the stick used by the codutor in an orchestra?
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Name the stick traditionally used by a conductor to lead an orchestra?

The stick traditionally used by a conductor is a Baton (pronounced: bah-tahn).

What is the name of the device used to conduct the orchestra?

The stick a conductor uses to lead an orchestra is called a baton.

What is the stick used by a conductor to lead a symphony?

That stick orchestra conductors use is called a baton.

What is the name of the device use to conduct an orchestra?

The name of a device used to conduct an orchestra is a baton.

Is orchestra a collective noun?

Yes, the noun orchestra is used as a collective noun for an orchestra of musicians.

What is the name of the stick used to play the triangle?

With a beater

Irish Gaelic name for hurling stick?

The Irish Gaelic name for hurling stick is camán (hurling stick). A camóg (camogie stick) is somewhat smaller and is used by women in the game of camogie

What is the name of the classical music used in Trans-Siberian Orchestra's Christmas Canon?

Pachelbel, Canon in D

What is a baton?

A baton is stick that persons use to direct others, such as the conductor's baton directing the orchestra.It is the French word for 'stick'. It can also mean a rod or sceptre of some sort, such as is used to direct a parade.

Is The french horn is used in the orchestra?

Yes, in a standard orchestra there are four of them.

Who calls stick during a relay race?

The name of the stick that is used in a relay race is called a baton. However it has a nick name of a "Sprinter's Stick" also.

Is violin in orchestra or band?

Violins are typically in orchestras