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Q: What is the name of the vaccine given to prevent chickenpox?
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Is there a treatment or vaccine for chickenpox?

Yes. It was first made when Edward Jenner injected the cowpox virus into individuals in 1796, which worked because the diseases are in the same family and close enough to trick the immune system. Interestingly, Jenner named the vaccine after the root word for cow, which is vacca in Latin.

Is the chickenpox vaccine called VAR?

Yes, the name chickenpox was actually called varicella but they changed it after they found out what it originally came to be and how it works.

What are the symptoms of chickenpox and who gets chickenpox the most?

Varicella is another name for chickenpox. There is a vaccine now for chickenpox. Children often got chickenpox when they were very young. This virus remains in the body until the immune system cannot repress it anymore. It then re-activates and forms shingles. About one in three will get shingles. A child who gets the vaccine will not get shingles when he gets older. The symptoms of chickenpox local look a lot like a "chicken pecked" a spot on the skin. These will begin to scab over in a few days. The scabs can be infectious.

What is the Oka strain varicella vaccine?

"Oka" is the last name of the Japanese child, of which researchers took specimen of Varicella (chickenpox) to make the live (attenuated) virus be a part of Varivax or the chickenpox vaccine. The strain of virus is also made into Zostavax for Herpes Zoster also known as Shingles.

What is the name of the measles vaccination?

You have live, attenuated viruses in the chicken pox vaccine.

Can you name 10 injections?

Sure! Here are 10 common injections: Flu vaccine Insulin Tetanus vaccine Hepatitis B vaccine Vitamin B12 injection Chickenpox vaccine MMR vaccine (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) Pneumococcal vaccine HPV vaccine (Human Papillomavirus) Rabies vaccine

What is the name of the vaccine for mumps?

The vaccine has traditionally been given as an MMR (measles, mumps, ruebella) series in infants.

What is hepatitis's vaccine name?

For Hepatitis A, it is usually just called "The Hepatitis A vaccine" but is marketed under the brand names Havrix and Vaqta. Hepatitis B is marketed under the brand name Comvax. There isn't a vaccine for Hepatitis C.

Can you say viruela for chickenpox?

No, "viruela" is not Spanish for chickenpox. Viruela is smallpox, while varicela is chickenpox in Spanish.

What is the name of Ebola vaccine?

There is no vaccine for Ebola.

What is the name of the liquid which can protect you if given before you have the disease?

it is vaccine . you get injected it before and it makes ou immune to the disease.

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