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The Civil War

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Q: What is the name of the war that was fought between the northern and southern states of the united states?
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Who fought who in America's Civil War?

The Civil war was was fought between the Northern and Southern states. It was fought mainly over slavery and the fact that Southern (agricultural) states were being neglected by Northern (industrial) states.

Were did most of battles fought in northern states or southern states?

In southern States.

What year was the civil war fought in between Southern states and Northern states?

The Civil War ran from April 1861 to April 1865.

What country fought the Americans on civil war?

The Civil War was fought between the northern and southern states of America. It was a war between Americans themselves because America was a divided country.

When was The civil war was fought?

The American Civil War was fought in 1861-1865. The Civil War was fought between April 12, 1861 until May 10, 1865. This was a war fought between the Northern and Southern states in the U.S.

Who fought whom in the American Civil War?

In the American civil war the Rebels (11 southern states) fought the North over issues of slavery and state rights

Who fought in the American Civil War?

We fought each other. That's why it is called a "civil" war. The southern states fought the union. the people who fought in the civil war were people like Rosa park and Martin Luther king to fight for difference and freedom to show that black and white people to mix and to try and persuade people that black people are the same as white people.

What years did the US Civil War span?

The United States Civil war fought between the northern Union soldiers and the southern Confederate soldiers was fought from the years 1861 until 1865.

How did they solve the dispute between the northern and southern states?

The Union soldiers defeated the Confederate soldiers. The southern states surrendered and the northern states put many sanctions on the southern states after the war.

Why did tension increase between the northern and southern states?

Because the southern states were economies based on slavery and many in the northern states felt that slavery was wrong.

What was the biggest point of disagreement between the Northern states and the Southern states after the Civil War?

The biggest point of disagreement between the Northern and Southern states after the Civil War was secession. The Southern states did not accept the fact that secession goes against the constitution.

What caused conflicts between the northern states and southern states?

slavery and the laws.