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A wild Boar

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Q: What is the name of the wild cousin of the pig?
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What is the pig wild cousin?

The cousin to the pig would be a wart hog.

What is the wild cousin to the pig?

The wild cousin of the pig is a boar. It is simalar but has tusks. There are other differences as well.

What is the wild cousin of the pig with large tusks?

Warthog or boars

What is the wild cousin of a pig?

Guinea pigs are rodents, so their closest relatives involve mice or rats, hamsters, gerbil and chinchila.

Why is Geico pig named maxwell?

its his cousin's middle name

Peppa Pig has a brother what is his name?

Peppa pig's brother is called George, the answer before was wrong as Alexander pig is Peppa and George's baby cousin

What is a wild animal with large tusks that is a pig's cousin?

The African wild boar is the tusked, wild pig of Africa. The boar's scientific name is Phacochoerus africanus. The boar's tusks are hunted by poachers. The tusks traditionally are used as knife handles. But they also have artistic uses.

What is a guinea pig's cousin?

a guinea pigs cousin would also be a guinea pig.

Scientfic name for a pig?

The wild boar, the species that the domestic pig belongs to, is Sus scrofa. The domestic pig belongs to the wild boar subspecies Sus scrofa domestica.

What is the difference between a pig and wild boar?

pig is a pig and the wild boar is a wild boar

What is group of wild boar called?

== == A young hog is called a pig, shoat or barrow. Another name for a hog is pig, and a young pig is a piglet. A barrow is a castrated male pig of any age A shoat is a young pig that has just stopped taking milk from its sow

Whats the name of a mammal in the pig family?

Peccary, wild boar, razorback.