

What is the name of the world's driest desert?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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14y ago

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Some scientists say the honor goes to the Antarctic Desert while others argue that the Atacama Desert of South America is the driest. Take your choice or call it a tie.

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atacama desert

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Q: What is the name of the world's driest desert?
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What is the name of the Earth's driest desert near Peru?

Some scientists argue that the driest desert is the Antarctic Desert, others that the Atacama Desert deserves that honor. However, the Atacama is the closest to the country of Peru and the northern parts of that desert cover the southwestern part of that country.

What is the driest desert's name?

Antarctica and the Atacama Desert are the driest deserts in the world.

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The coldest desert is the Patagonian Desert and the driest is the Atacama Desert.

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desert, arid and semi arid. its home of the worlds most driest deserts.

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No, the Atacama Desert in Chile is considered the world's driest desert.

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The Atacama Desert. However, some scientist say Antarctica should have the title as the driest desert.

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The Desert is the driest biome.

What is the driest desert in Chile?

The Atacama is the driest and only desert in Chile.

Which is the driest place in Chile?

The Atacama desert, the driest desert in the world.

Is the Gobi Desert the second driest desert?

Some scientists say Antarctica is the driest desert. Others say the Atacama is driest. Take your choice and whatever is left over is the second driest desert.

What is South America's largest and driest desert?

The largest desert is the Patagonian Desert and the driest is the Atacama.