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Q: What is the name of those stickers that change when you move your head?
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How do you move people on your gaia profile?

Depends what you mean. If its gaia stickers you click on then and drag them to wher you want them, if its on the friendslist you change your top friends and keep putting people on the top till their where you want them to be.

How do bats change the direction of their flight?

They move their head from left to right. This was from Leslie Hernandez. PEACE!!

What do you call those pictures with multiple frames that move when you change your perspective?

Panoramic views?

How do you move up on fantage?

If u give another fantage person 2 stickers then click off there sticker inventory u move up a level its as simple as that but remember give them two stickers not one trust me I'm on level 80 something

Why does your dog move her head when you move your head close to her?

Because it doesn't feel comfortable when you move your head close to their's.

When your man is mad at u does giving him head change anything?

Giving head may help for the instant, but it's important for you to understand why he is angry at you. Then you both can deal with it and move on.

Why do you nod your head no and shake your head yes?

The gestures of nodding your head no and shaking your head yes have evolved as nonverbal cues in many cultures to convey agreement or disagreement. It may have originated from natural head movements of disagreement (shaking head) and agreement (nodding head), which have become standardized across different societies.

What bird has feathers on its head that it can move?

A cockatiel has feathers on its head that it can move around.

Does Your shadow change when you move?

Yes Your Shadow Does Change When You Move,Because Let's Say You See Your Shadow And You Move Your Arm,Your Arm Blocks The Sun And The Place It Is Blocking The Sun From Takes The Shapes Of Whatever Is Blocking,It In This Case Your Arm,So It Looks Like Your Arm,Head,Legs...etc

Why cant a leopard change its spots?

Leopards are born with the pigmentation cells for its fur pattern and those cells never move.

Is there a muscle in your head?

The muscles that move your eyes are in your head.

Why does a macaw move its head?

Their eyes are on the sides of their head!