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Q: What is the name that is given to the process by which you elect the president?
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What is the name of the president elect?

barack obama

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The name of US preident?

President George W Bush, President elect Barack Obama.

What other name does Barack Obama go by?

President-elect Obama.

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what name is given to a process such as burning a candle?

What do you call an elected official before being sworn in?

He is called the blank-elect where blank is the name of the position to which he has just been elected. Examples: president-elect, congressman-elect, etc.

What president's secret service nickname was ''Rawhide''?

Ronald ReagonRawhide was the 'not so secret' code name for Ronald Ragan. Here is a list; including the current presidents code name, which you might find useful:* Renegade: Barack Obama, President-elect * Renaissance: Michelle Obama, president-elect's wife * Radiance: Malia Obama, president-elect's daughter * Rosebud: Sasha Obama, president-elect's daughter * Trailblazer: George W Bush, President * Tempo: Laura Bush, First Lady * Rawhide: Ronald Reagan, ex-President * Smurfette: Kareena Gore, ex-vice-president's daughter

What is the name given to the candidate that receives the most electoral vote in US?

president-elect is what you would call such a person, assuming they received a majority of the electoral vote. If nobody has an majority, I can not think of any special name for the person who received the plurality.

What is name of your new president?

The President Elect of the United States is Barack Hussein Obama. He will become President and take office when he takes the oath of office in February.