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Q: What is the native language of Andre brink?
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What has the author Andre Philippus Brink written?

Andre Philippus Brink has written: 'A dry white season' 'An instant in the wind'

When and were Andre brink was born?

André Brink's mother tongue

Where was Andre Brink was born?

29 mai 1935 in the South of Africa

What will the game brink be rated?

Brink has been rated T for Blood,language,and violence

What will brink be rated?

The ESRB has rated Brink T for blood, language, and violence It says so on

Where and when was Andre Brink born?

29 mai 1935 in the South of Africa

What is Nelson Mandela's native language?

His native language is Xhosa His native language is Xhosa

What is your native language?

I'm originally from Pakistan so my native language is Urdu. My native language is English.

A native language is a what?

Native language mean your mother tongue or the language of that place.

What is the Native American word for eye?

There is no Native American language...There are hundreds of native American languages.In the Paiute language: eye = booeeAnswerThere is no Native American language...There are hundreds of native American languages. In the Paiute language: eye = booeeAnswerThere is no Native American language...There are hundreds of native American languages. In the Paiute language: eye = booee

What is the siberia native language?

I would say that Yupik was the native language , and Russian the official language.

What is native language and second language?

A native language is the language that a person grows up speaking from birth, typically within their family or community. A second language is a language that is learned in addition to one's native language, often through formal education or immersion in a different linguistic environment.