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Q: What is the nearest meaning of act towards?
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What do you do when an emu acts aggressively towards you?

It is unusual for any emu to act aggressively towards a person without provocation. If it should occur, move slowly and casually towards the nearest escape route. Do not move quickly.

Which ocean is the nearest to Iowa?

The nearest ocean is the North Atlantic Ocean - directly towards and off the East coast of the USA.Lake Michigan, towards the North, is the nearest water, but is not an ocean.

What is the prefix of adaptation?

ad- is the prefix meaning "to or towards", -apt- is a word part meaning "to fit" and the suffix -tion means "condition of, result of, act of, process of, and state of".

Where is the oceanic to oceanic?

The nearest ocean is the North Atlantic Ocean - directly towards and off the East coast of the USA.Lake Michigan, towards the North, is the nearest water, but is not an ocean.

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Paraphrase means to reword or restate information in your own words while keeping the original meaning intact.

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What is the meaning of front act

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The medical term for nearest the point of attachment is "proximal."

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nearest in meaning staying out of a matter that you are involve in

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to act HOSTILE is to act aggressively or defensively towards other people

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