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Q: What is the nerve that helps transmit sound signals to your brain?
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How the nerves transmit signals to the brain?

Nerves use electrical impulses to transmit signals to the brain. The gaps between the nerve endings are called synapses.

Which of the cranial nerves transmit from the cochlea and semicircular canals to the brain?

The nerve that carries the signals to the brain is the ossicles

How does the shape of a nerve cell aid in its function?

The nerve cell's thin and dainty shape helps it transmit signals. Also, the "fingers" at the ends help transmit the messages to more than one other nerve cell so the message can reach either the brain or the spinal cord faster. The thin shape also helps keep the message on a straight path and keeps the message from getting confused or mixed up with other messages being transmitted so as to insure the direct and immediate receiving of all the messages. 👍👍👍

What happens when the optic nerve is pinched or cut?

You would go blind, because the optic nerve would then be unable to transmit signals from the eye to the brain.

What is the function of the nerve cells?

The functions of the nerve cells is to carry messages around our body. To adapt to their job, they are very long and are branched at each end.Nerve cells receive, carry, and pass electrical impulses.Neurons (or nerve cells) are the smallest unit of the nervous system which send signals to the rest of the body to perform what ever function the brain wants it to; such as telling the heart to beat.

What nerve transmit the sense of smell to the brain?

Olfactory nerve

What messages from nerve cells to your brain?

The nerves are part of the Nervous System. The nerves will transmit the information that they get to the brain. Your brain will then send signals back to those nerve cells and tell them whether they should respond to the stimulus or whether they should just ignore.

Nerve agents affect the way in which nerve cells transmit signals in the body this process is called?


What nerve Cells transmit signals to muscle Cells?

These Types of nerve Cells are Known As Motor Neurons.

What is the nerve that sends signals from inner ear to the brain?

auditory nerve

What nerve is responsible for visual signals to the brain?

optic nerve

Does the second cranial nerve transmit nerve impulses from the retina to the brain?

The second cranial nerve is the optic nerve, which tells the brain what the eye is seeing