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There isn't any. The ATP produced in the light reaction are immediately used in the light independent reaction along with NADPH.

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Q: What is the net gain of ATP in Photosynthesis?
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What is the net gain of anaerobic respiration?

36 atp net gain. 38 gross gain, but 2 are invested at the beginning.

What is the net ATP released in cellular respiration?

It produces a net gain of anywhere between 36 to 38 ATP Glycolysis produces a net gain of 2 ATP The Krebs Cycle produces a net gain of 2 ATP And the Electron Transport System (ETS) produces a net gain 34 ATP

What is the net ATP production in glycolysis?

Glycolysis results in a net gain of 2ATP.

What is the net gain of each molecule of glucose entering glycolysis?

2 ATP Glycolysis uses 2 ATP molecules in the first half, called the Energy Investment Phase, and creates 4 ATP molecules in the second half, the Energy Payoff Phase. So -2 + 4 = a net gain of 2 ATP molecules.

What is meant by a net gain of two ATP molecules from glycolysis?


What is the net gain of ATP for a yeast or bacteria carrying out the fermentation of a glucose molecule?

36 It should be 40, but four are used and two are produced by glycolysis, and then when FAD is used twice rather than NAD in Chemiosmosis, there are two ATP that aren't proceed for electronegativity reasons.

How much ATP is produced during glycolysis?

Glycolysis produces 4 ATP however it uses 2 ATP in the process so the net gain is only 2 ATP

How much chemical energy in the form ATP is produced during fermentation?

In fermentation, there is a net gain of 2ATP for each glucose molecule.

How much ATP is made from Glycolisis?

The net gain of ATP from glycolysis is 2 molecules of ATP.

Is ADP reconverted to ATP during glycolysis?

Yes. There is a net gain of 2 ATP during glycolysis.

What is the net ATP gain from 6 molecules of glucose under anaerobic condition?

~ 12 ATP gained.

Glycolysis produces a net gain of what ATP molecules for each reaction?

Glycolysis produces a net gain of 2 ATP molecules for each reaction