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the optic nerve

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Q: What is the neural pathway for the eye?
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Related questions

What is the neural pathway of a single reflex called?

Reflex Arc

The neural pathway of a single reflex is called?

Reflex Arc

What are the neural elements of the visual pathway beginning with the retina and ending with the optic cortex?

yes there are the neural elemnts< no dip stupid what are they

Which types of neurons were used in steps 1-4 of the neural pathway?

This sounds like you are answering a very specific homework question. If you provide more information, such as which neural pathway we're discussing (pain, for example), I can probably help you with this.

What is the pathway light?

The pathway of light is light through the eye to the cornea. This is the path that light takes when entering the eye.

What is the pathway of light?

The pathway of light is light through the eye to the cornea. This is the path that light takes when entering the eye.

When Information is delivered within the CNS simultaneously by different -parts of the neural pathway is what process?

Parallel Processing

What is the most simple nervous system pathway?

The reflex arc is the simplest neural circuit.

Neural impulses are first sensed by the?

the optic nerve in your eye

What is neural pathway?

You can think of a brain pathway as a power line that connects two brain regions. Brain pathways are made up of interconnected neurons along which signals are transmitted from one brain region to another.

Does the neural layer of the retina prevent excessive scattering of light within the eye?


What are you doing when you use your 5 senses?

A sensory receptor in that part of the body sends an electrical signal via a neural pathway to the appropriate processing region of the brain.