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Q: What is the new material formed as a result of chemical chanege if i mix the milk and vinegar?
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Are new materials formed when egg shells are mixed with vinegar?

When eggshells are mixed with vinegar, a chemical reaction occurs between the calcium carbonate in the eggshells and the acetic acid in the vinegar. This reaction results in the formation of calcium acetate, water, and carbon dioxide. So, new material is formed, called Calcium acetate, but eggshells physically mixed with vinegar, don't form any new material

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Why does hydrogen have a chemical reaction with vinegar?

there is a reaction because laundry detergent is a base and vinegar is an acid so when you mix them together a chemical reaction will occur

Are the reactants the new material produced during a chemical reaction?

No. Product is the new material formed during the chemical reaction.

What new substance is formed if vinegar is added to milk?

The product of this chemical reaction is casein, a protein.

Is soaking an egg in vinegar a chemical change to the egg?

When an egg is soaked in vinegar the vinegar reacts with the calcium carbonate of the shell by breaking it down into its simplest forms. (Calcium and carbon dioxide.) Therefore causing a chemical change.

Why is rusting metal a chemical change?

because new material is formed

Which chemical group does nylon belong to?

Nylon is an: - organic material - a polymer (formed from macromolecules) - a plastic material - a synthetic material

Is vinegar and salt a chemical change?

Vinegar (acetic acid solution in water) and salt (sodium chloride) are compounds, not"changes".

Why is sugar and vinegar a chemical change?

The difference between chemical and physical changes is that chemical change is when a new substance is formed, and the reaction is irreversible. So as salt and vinegar do not react, it is indeed a physical change.

Is vinigar a element compound or a mixture?

Vinegar is a mixture. It is comprised mainly of acetic acid (usually from 4 to 8 percent by volume) and water. The chemical formula for acetic acid is CH3COOH, and the chemical formula for water is H2O. Thus, vinegar is really a mixture of two compounds. The acetic acid is a carboxylic acid, and this is what gives the vinegar its pungent smell. Vinegar is one of the products formed by the fermentation of alcohols.

What is an anhydrase?

A chemical compound formed from another, often an acid, by the removal of water.