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Q: What is the non-elastic fibres in tendon?
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The most important component of tendon tissue is?

Collagen fibres.

What do the tendons look like and what is their function?

Tendons look like yellow to white and is shiny. Muscle gradually becomes tendon, specially at insertion site and on many occasion from origin also. It is made of collagen fibres and they are very stong. As strong as steel wires weight for weight. There function is to transmit the the pull of muscles as they contract. Tendons are nonelastic in nature. Tendo achillis is the probably the strongest tendon in body after tendon of quadriceps femoris muscle. Most beautiful tendons are cordae tendinae in papillory muscles of ventricles of heart.

Which Nerve ending is located in a tendon and protects against overcontracting?

The internal tendon bulk is thought to contain no nerve fibres, but the epitenon and paratenon contain nerve endings, while Golgi tendon organs are present at the junction between tendon and muscle.

Is the Golgi tendon tendon organ voluntary or involuntary?

To answer your question in brief, the Golgi tendon organ is an involuntary mechanism that serves to maintain muscle tension and prevent injury. They are groups of fibres that wrap around the tendon, and have type Ib receptors that relay activity back to your brain. Upon activation, they increase their activity, which forces the shut down of the muscle contraction in order to prevent tearing of the muscle from excessive activation.

What determines muscles strength?

several factors can influence muscle strength. The proportion of so called 'fast twitch' fibres: people with a high proportion of these can contract a muscle with more force The point of tendon insertion: For example, if your biceps tendon inserts further down your forearm than average , you will enjoy a mechanical advantage over most people. Neuromuscular efficiency: Some people are able to contract a higher proportion of muscle fibres than others.

What are synthetic fibres and natural fibres?

Synthetic fibres are man-made fibres and natural fibres are fibres that come from plants or animals..

What are the descending fibres of projection fibres?

They include = cortico-spinal fibres + cortico-bulbar fibres + cortico-pontine fibres + cortico-rubral fibres + cortico-striate fibres

What is the definition of a pennate muscle?

pennate is the opposite of parallel (fusiform) parallel muscle eg biceps brachii has fibres which run parallel, whereas pennate fibres run diagonally to the axis of movement, unipennate, bipennate and multipennate refers to the number of tendonous attachments unipennate muscle fibers which converge on one side of a tendon ca be found in the gluteus maximus, bipennate fibers converge in a featherlike way towards a central tendon, and multipennate converge on more tendons such as deltoid which has three heads.

What are some protein fibres in the cellular matrix?

Collagen fibres, reticular fibres, and elastic fibres and protein fibres found in the cellular matrix.

What are blended fibres?

Blended fibres is mixing 2 or more fibres to achieve the best fibres in the yarn.

What is Infrapatellar Tendon?

Infrapatellar tendon is the tendon below the knee

How exercise increases tendon strength?

tendons are tough bands of fibrous cannective tissue that are desighned to with stand tension tendons adapt to the mechanical loading of regular exercise tendons are tough bands of fibrous cannective tissue that are desighned to with stand tension tendons adapt to the mechanical loading of regular exercise i think this guy must have been drunk when he wrote this coz it just seems like they like hitting the moonshine