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The P90X exercise program is a home fitness program with a three phase diet or nutrition plan. During the first phase you follow a high protein diet. During the second phase you eat a balanced mix of carbs and protein. Then during the third phase you follow an athletic diet with complex carbs and lean protein.

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Q: What is the normal diet plan for the P90X exercise program?
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Which diet works the best?

exercise use the P90X

How long does the p90x diet program run for?

You'll actually have two weeks to spare. The p90x program only lasts for thirteen weeks, total.

What is the diet for p90x and does it work?

The p90X diet involves a 13 week course where you have set workout plans for each day. You need to keep track of your diet every day, and how much exercise you do.

Where can I read reviews for the P90X diet?

You can find reviews for Tony Horton's P90X program at It is an excellent program and you can even just purchase individual discs. Many doctors recommend the Core DVD.

Where can I find more info on p90x diet plans?

The P90X Nutrition Plan is a 13-week plan that is supposed to help you lose weight and build muscle. It seems more extreme that a normal weight loss plan. You may want to speak with your doctor before starting this diet. For more information on this plan you can visit:

Where can I find out more information on the P90x diet?

P90x diet have help a lot of people to lose body fat according to reviews and testimony. You can get more information about P90x and peoples that actually benefited from it on this website:

What is the P90X diet and will it help me lose weight?

The best thing would be eating less dieting exercise and vegetables when convenient in wherever possible eat as much as you can cause exercise does not work.

Does the p90x nutrition plan work? has an article that explains the p90x nutrition plan, which combines a specified diet with exercise: The official P90X website is at You can purchase the system there but you can also get dvds and books on Amazon at

Student Reviews of p90x?

The p90x workout program has received rave reviews from students. Students love the convenience of the p90x program. The workouts take place over a 90 day fitness program. Each session is recorded on a DVD. Because each session is only one hour long, the sessions can easily fit into any student's busy schedule. So many students have jam-packed scheduled filled with part-time jobs, studying for classes, and extracurricular activities. In between classes, p90x is one way to stay in shape and relieve stress at the same time. Graduate students, such as law students, find p90x helpful for its short, intense, and effective workout sessions. After a late night of studying, any grad student can pop in a p90x DVD and start a workout at 11:00 p.m. or 12:00 a.m. at night. Law students benefit from the home-based nature of the p90x program too. Often, law students want to workout at times when a gym does not operate, such as early in the morning or late at night. Having the p90x program on hand allows a student to work out at one's own convenience. For a college student, p90x is also an affordable option for keeping up with one's health. Not every college campus gives students access to a gym. The gyms at some college campuses are also quite bare. For students who do not have access to a local gym, p90x can be an attractive option. The p90x program is much more affordable than purchasing a gym membership. Also, a student always has access to the DVD sessions in the p90x program. For years, a student can continue practicing the p90x program. The last reason students enjoy the p90x program is for its dietary guidelines. A student can have a tough time adjusting to the stresses of college life. The stresses of college life make it easy for any student to have an unhealthy diet. The p90x diet program teaches students how to build a healthy diet using affordable foods. By combining a healthy diet with the intense workout sessions from p90x, any student can lose weight and build muscle.

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Your Ready Made Custom Workout?

p90x is one of the most durable brands in home fitness for a reason: The unique and resourceful exercise plan makes it easy for anyone to have a different workout every day. Quite simply, p90x is fun; therefore, more people stay on the plan. The uniqueness of the p90x workout is based mostly on two ideas. 1. Using very few "gym equipment pieces." Most of the equipment used in p90x workouts is either included or able to be made out of common household items. 2. Creating workouts which test the muscles by constantly switching up the workouts. The second idea is what gives p90x the edge over all other home workout program solutions. The p90x program is divided up into three categories for overall health: Strength, Core and Yoga, and Cardio. All three are pretty self explanatory as to what they represent; however, all three are essential parts of the program and build off of each other to create a single intense workout regimen. The p90x workout program also comes with a diet plan which is divided into three sections: Shredder, Booster, and Maximzer. In order, they consist of a higher protein diet to jump start the fat loss process by building muscle, an energy phase which increases overall energy, and finally an athletic diet to maximize performance. The program also includes a custom calendar and full customer support for all p90x customers. With a 90 day money back guarantee (p90x is a 90 day fitness program), there is very little reason not to try p90x if other solutions have not been working. The comprehensive nature of the program holds true with the inescapable reality that there is no shortcut to weight loss. This system is a complete one, which realizes that all the pieces of the weight loss puzzle, diet, exercise, and analysis, build off of each other to create an overall experience. The p90x program has more positive reviews than most any other program on the Internet, with much more longevity for sure. Anyone who is looking for a new solution to healthy weight loss would be well advised to give p90x a try.

What type of exercise program should be incorporated with the six week diet?

Exercise is important for any diet program. Cardio is the most important type of exercise. Running, jogging or walking is a good cardio exercise to go along with dieting.