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I'm guessing this is for a Biology project or something, otherwise it's a bit awkward and I wouldn't know why you wanted to know.

There is no actual case of recorded semen secretion range. However, from researches I have done at the University, the average is probably around 1-2 feet. ---- Do you mean the shooting distance or the amount shot?? The distance is never the same twice and can be anything. It may dribble out or shoot 6 feet into the air (rare). About 2 feet is probably average for a fit young man. Volume varies from about 3 millilitres up to maybe 10 millilitres. The higher volumes will happen if the man hasn't ejaculated for a while, as he will have more stored. Again, it is very variable and depends a lot on health and fitness.

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It varies widely and depends on many factors, e.g. how many ejaculations you have had in a 24 hours period, etc.

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A quart or so.

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a tea spoon full

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Q: What is the normal range of semen secretion in young adults?
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It mean that you have Ejaculated the mixture of sperms and secretion of seminal vesicles.During a sexual intercourse your penis shoots out a white substance that is semen.

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Semen can vary in color and consistency due to factors like diet, hydration, and frequency of ejaculation. It is normal for semen to range in color from white to slightly yellowish. If there are sudden or significant changes in color, accompanied by other symptoms like pain or discomfort, it may be best to consult a healthcare provider.

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Semen is mainly composed or protein and water with some sugar, there are traces of Zinc in it too.

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0-5 pus cells are normal

Is it normal for a 9 year old to have semen?

That is certainly a young age for producing semen.

Is it normal for a 44 year old man to have clear sperm?

You mean 'Semen', not sperm. Sperm are invisible and semen is the liquid that carries sperm cells out of the man's body. Yes, clear semen is normal. So is white, cloudy semen.

How much ejaculation is normal for a man?

Semen is released during ejaculation and the normal semen volume ranges from 2 to 5ml per ejaculate.

Is it normal to get diarreha after swallowing semen?

It is not 'normal' to have diarreha at all, whether it's after a pepperoni pizza or a teaspoon of semen. It's caused by a digestive problem.