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Their average weight is 350 lb

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Q: What is the normal weigh of dolphins?
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How do pink dolphins have babaies?

the same way humans and normal dolphins do

How much do dolphins wiegh?

dolphins can weigh from 88lbs to over 10 tons, but if you mean the bottlenose dolphin (like flipper) they weigh 330 to 1430 lbs

How much do newborn baby dolphins weigh?

A baby dolphin weigh about 300 pounds

What do baby blue dolphins weigh?

49 pounds

What are bottlenosed dolphins climates?

a der it'a like a NORMAL dolphins life climent

How much does a full grown dolphin weigh?

a full grown dolphin can weigh up to 200-240 pound

What is the weigh of dolphins brain?

The approx brain weight of the dolphin is 1700g.

How much do dolphins weigh in pounds?

It depends on what type of dolphin.

What does a normal dolphin look like?

What do you mean, "normal"? Dolphins look like dolphins, just their size and colouration is a little different between species.

Do pink dolphins sleep?

there is no such thing as a pink dolphin. But if there was no it would not sleep. Normal dolphins don't.

How much does a Rough-Toothed dolphin weigh?

Usually, Rough-Toothed Dolphins weigh about 250 pounds as an adult.