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Q: What is the northern one third of the Scandinavian countries called?
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These are Scandinavian political activists operating in third world countries.

What is the northern third of Norway called?

The Northern part of Norway is called "Nord-norge". That literally means "Northern Norway".Northern Norway (moderator: it's the truth -that's what it's called!)

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Yes, but third-world countries are now called "developing countries."

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Countries that got democracy post 1974 are called third wave countries. e.g. nepal

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Many countries to, those are called 'third world countries'. There are a lot of them.

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Third World countries.

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In countries where the first day of the week is Sunday, the third day of the week is Tuesday.Tuesday

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The Sahara covers almost all of the northern third of Africa, including the countries you mention. It covers parts of about 11 countries total.

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Northern Hemisphere: Third Sunday of June Southern Hemisphere: First Sunday of September

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There hasn't been a war called the 'Third World War'.

What are third world countrys?

well in the begining of the republics there were two groups i cant remember which ones but a lot of countries rich countries like usa,Canada and that made a goup called repulicans and the Russians and other countries from Europe where the soviet union.but poor countries like Mexico or Puerto Rico werent in any of those groups so they had to be a third group called the third world

What country occupies the northern third of the british isles?

Scotland occupies the northern third of Great Britain