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The word dependence is a noun, a non-count, common, abstract noun; a word for reliance on or control by someone or something; reliance on the financial support of someone or something.

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Q: What is the noun for dependence?
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Related questions

Is dependable a noun?

No, it is not an noun. Depend is a verb. There are noun forms, dependence and dependent (person), which is also an adjective.

Suffix for depend?

Dependence, dependency, or dependent (person). The adjective dependable also has the noun form dependability.

Change the word dependent to abstract noun?

The abstract noun form of the concrete noun dependent (a word for a person) is dependence (a word for a concept).

How can you use the word dependence as a sentence?

The word dependence is a noun for reliance of outside sources for ones needs; subordination to someone or something; trust or reliance; a compulsive or chronic need, an addiction. Example sentences: The girl wanted to be in dependence; she wanted someone to take care of her. How can we lessen our dependence on foreign oil? She denies her dependence on prescription drugs, but her family says she needs help.

What does the noun version of dependent mean?

The word 'dependent' is a noun, a word for a person reliant on another, especially for financial support.Related nouns are dependence and dependency.The noun dependence is a word for the quality or state of being influenced by or subject to another.The noun dependency is a word for a territory under the authority of a nation but not formally a part of it.The noun form of the adjective 'dependent' is dependentness, the condition of being reliant on someone or something.

What type of noun is the word Tribute?

The noun 'tribute' is a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for an act, statement, or gift that is intended to show gratitude, respect, or admiration; payment made to state or ruler as a tax or a sign of dependence.

Is dependence the base word for codependence?

Yes dependence is the base word for co-dependence.

What is phychological dependence?

Psychological dependence is a condition where a person believes they need a substance in order to feel normal or cope with daily life. It involves craving the substance and feeling unable to function without it, even if there are no physical symptoms of withdrawal present. This type of dependence is often linked to mental and emotional factors, rather than physical changes in the body.

Is slavery a collective noun?

No, the noun 'slavery' is an uncountable, common, abstract noun; a word for condition in which one person is owned as property by another; involuntary servitude; excessive dependence on or devotion to someone or something; a word for a thing.The noun 'slavery' is not a collective noun. A collective noun is a word used to group people or things in a descriptive way; for example a coffle of slaves.

Can you give example sentences for the word dependence?

His dependence on his mother handicapped him in a relationship. She regretted her dependence upon his advice.

What is Possession of a drug of dependence?

Having a drug dependence is an addiction.

Is there a physical dependence of LSD?

No, there is no physical dependence associated with LSD.