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2.0474232 x 10^-11 J

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The mass of an oxygen-16 atom is approximately 16 amu. The mass of the individual protons, neutrons, and electrons that make up the atom is slightly less, due to the release of energy when they bond. The difference in mass between the individual particles and the oxygen-16 atom represents the nuclear binding energy.

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Q: What is the nuclear binding energy of oxygen-16 given that 1 amu 1.6605x1027?
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What is nuclear and nucleus binding energy?

Nuclear binding energy is the amount of energy required to hold the nucleus of an atom together. It is the difference in energy between the mass of the individual nucleons and the mass of the nucleus as a whole. The higher the nuclear binding energy, the more stable the nucleus.

What element has the greatest nuclear binding energy per nuclear particle?

Iron has the greatest nuclear binding energy per nuclear particle, making it the most stable nucleus. This is because iron's nucleus is at the peak of the binding energy curve, representing the most tightly bound nucleus per nucleon.

What is binding energy contributed to?

Binding energy is the energy required to hold the nucleus of an atom together. It is contributed to by the strong nuclear force that overcomes the electrostatic repulsion between positively charged protons in the nucleus. The binding energy is responsible for the stability of atomic nuclei.

What elements have relatively small nuclear binding energy per nuclear particle?

Elements with relatively small nuclear binding energy per nuclear particle include elements with high atomic number (e.g. transuranium elements) and elements with unstable isotopes. These elements require more energy to hold their nucleus together, resulting in smaller binding energy per nuclear particle.

How to Calculate nuclear binding energy?

To calculate nuclear binding energy, you can subtract the mass of the nucleus from the sum of the masses of its individual protons and neutrons. The mass difference multiplied by the speed of light squared (E=mc^2) will give you the binding energy of the nucleus.

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What makes up the energy released in a nuclear detonation?

nuclear binding energy

What is nuclear and nucleus binding energy?

Nuclear binding energy is the amount of energy required to hold the nucleus of an atom together. It is the difference in energy between the mass of the individual nucleons and the mass of the nucleus as a whole. The higher the nuclear binding energy, the more stable the nucleus.

What element has the greatest nuclear binding energy per nuclear particle?

Iron has the greatest nuclear binding energy per nuclear particle, making it the most stable nucleus. This is because iron's nucleus is at the peak of the binding energy curve, representing the most tightly bound nucleus per nucleon.

Why is Nuclear Energy Every where?

Nuclear energy comes from the binding energy released when we change the state of atoms. Binding energy holds the universe together and it is present in every atom.

What energy nuclear bomb change?

Nuclear binding energy to thermal energy to blast shock wave energy.

What form of energy does nuclear fission release?

Nuclear binding energy is released mostly as heat energy.

Were do you get nuclear energy?

You get nuclear energy from the binding energy (Strong Atomic Force) that holds the nucleus together.

The energy and particles given off during a nuclear reaction are called?


What is binding energy contributed to?

Binding energy is the energy required to hold the nucleus of an atom together. It is contributed to by the strong nuclear force that overcomes the electrostatic repulsion between positively charged protons in the nucleus. The binding energy is responsible for the stability of atomic nuclei.

What energy is needed to break up a nucleus of an atom?

The energy needed to break up a nucleus of an atom is called binding energy. It is the energy required to overcome the strong nuclear force that holds the nucleus together. The higher the binding energy per nucleon, the more stable the nucleus is.

How are nuclear fission and fussion the same?

Both release excess nuclear binding energy.

State two properties of nuclear forces?

The nuclear force energy is very strong. Their binding energy is also large.