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A hydrogen nucleus is just a proton, which is denoted in particle physics by p.

Nuclear scientists will occasionally adopt the standardized isotope notation, even for hydrogen, especially when fusion reactions are being written. Hydrogen is then written like this:

11H or just 1H

although the notation p+ is often used as well.

The other isotopes of hydrogen are almost always written in their isotope form. However, you'll still occasionally find them written in their classical way.

Deuterium - 2H or sometimes D

Tritium - 3H or sometimes T

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Hydrogen is not changed into helium in nuclear fission. In nuclear physics, nuclear fusion is a reaction in which two or more lighter atomic nuclei are forced together and are fused into a heavier nucleus. In the case of the formation of hydrogen into helium, our sun does that in what is called the proton-proton reaction.

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How is the strong nuclear force affects the composition of a nucleus?

Holds the nucleus together. Without it, the only existing atoms would be hydrogen and stars wouldn't work.

Where can neutrons be found?

Neutrons are available in all element nuclei except hydrogen nucleus. It can be obtained through specific nuclear reactions and through nuclear fission.

What is in hydrogen nucleus?

In a Hydrogen nucleus there is a proton. Hydrogen is the only element to not have a neutron in it's nucleus.

Where does nuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium occurs?

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What primary atomic reaction occurs within the sun that converts hydrogen atoms into helium atoms?

Its called as nuclear fusion. The nucleus of hydrogen atoms fuse together and form helium nucleus. There is some difference of the two masses resulting it to become energy by Einstein's formulae e=mc^2