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Q: What is the number of atoms in AL2SO 3?
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Dentisity is the number of atoms in a ligand that bond to cetral atom e.g. EN has 2 atoms that bind and cooordination number is the number of ligand atoms that bind to a center so for [K(en)3]3+ it is 6

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How do you find number of atoms in water mole?

In order to go from moles to number of particles in any substance you simply multiply the number of moles by Avagadro's number (6.02 x 10^23). Once you have the number of molecules (in general it's particles), you would multiply the number of molecules by the number of atoms in each molecule. In water there are 3 atoms per molecule (2 hydrogens, 1 oxygen),so you'd mulitply by 3.Summarizing: You have to multiply the number of water moles by Avagadro's number (6.02 x 10^23) and then again by number of atoms per molecule (3).n timesA times 3 = number of atoms in 'x' moles of water