

What is the number of computers per US household?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: What is the number of computers per US household?
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What is average number of computers per US household?

If there is a household number of two adults and two children the there is an average of about two computers.

Number of computers per household in US?

In 2012, statistics show that there were 3 computers per household in the United States. The average of internet-connected devices, including smartphones, smart TVs, gaming consoles, tablets, and PCs is now around 5.7 devices per household.

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The average number of dogs per household in the United States is 1.7 The average number of cats per household in the United States is 2.2, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association.

What Percentage of computers per household in US?

At least 70% or above of households owns a computer in the United States of America. Today's generation involves many people using the internet and computers in everyday lives.

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two hundred billion five thousand and twenty :P

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There are 2.

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π (pi)

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Usually, it is about two to four. The average number of toilets in a domestic household is two.

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New York.

What was the US median household income in 1875?

$2.5 per day

How many televisions and computers does the average US household have?

we have 3 computer (one desktop, two laptops) and 3 tv's