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In a sufficiently oxidizing environment, silicon can form up to six covalent bonds, as in SiF6.

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Q: What is the number of covalent bonds that are possible for atoms of silicon?
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What is the bond between silicon and oxygen atoms in quartz?

Covalent bond.

Does covalent compounds always form molecules?

No. Some compounds form covalent networks, in which each atom is colvalently bonded with at least 2 adjacent atoms. An example of a covalent network compound is silicon dioxide (SiO2), or silica. In SiO2 each silicon atom is bonded to four oxygen atoms and each oxygen atom is bonded to 2 silicon atoms.

Is silicon a Diatomic Molecule?

No. Silicon exist as a covalent network solid in which each atom is bonded to 4 adjacent atoms.

How many hydrogen atoms could covalent with silicon?

SiH4 (Silane) existsso Answer is max Four

What element is most likely to form covalent bonds silicon oxygen chlorine or sulfur?

Among the elements listed, silicon is most likely to form covalent bonds. (Silicon is in the same periodic table column as carbon, which is the most likely of all atoms to form covalent bonds.)

How many silicon atoms are in 0.532 moles of silicon?

Multiply by avagadro's number (6.022x1023) giving 3.203704x1023 atoms

Are the bonds between silicon and chlorine in silicon tetrachloride single bonds?

No it is a covalent bond. Which is a bond where two atoms share a electron particles with one another.

What is the m number of atoms that can be bonded in a covalent bond?

Two atoms

What is the maximun number of atoms that can be bonded in a covalent bond?

Two atoms

What atoms are involved with non-polar covalent bond?

Carbon is the most common, followed by nitrogen. (In inorganics, silicon too.)

What type of bonds hold silicon dioxide atoms together?

Similarly to carbon and hydrogen, silicon and oxygen form numerous compounds. They are commonly known as silicates. Beach sand is a good example for a mixture of silicates.

Why does silicon have a high melting temperature?

Silicon forms what is known as a network covalent solid. Most covalent compounds that involve a couple atoms bonded together to form a molecule, and those molecules attracted to each other through weak intermolecular forces. Because these forces are relatively weak (compared to covalent or ionic bonds), molecules are easily separated from each other and so covalent compounds typically have low melting points. Silicon atoms are different. They form huge networks of strong covalent bonds with each other, essentially making huge molecules with atoms that are not easy to separate. A great example of another network covalent solid is a diamond (carbon atoms bonded together in a huge network). So if you look at a diamond you are essentially looking at one huge molecule--all the atoms covalently bonded together.