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Q: What is the number one lifestyle choice that leads to the top 3 causes of death?
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What has venom that causes paralysis nausea and death?

That would be a cobra. Its venom is poisonous and causes death in a high number of living things it bites.

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He died an early death due to his risky lifestyle. After his promotion, he could afford a more luxurious lifestyle.

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A 'mortal' wound is one that causes death.

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Along with his death, also went his power.

Are heart attacks the number one cause of death in women?

Heart attacks are very serious for women. They are one of the number one causes of death for women. You need to watch your diet and also exercise! Do this consistently.

Is smoking the number one killer in US?

No. The number 1 cause is heart disease. However, that is an effect of smoking, furthermore, smoking also causes the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th leading causes of death, which are cancer, stroke, and chronic lower respiratory disease, respectively. Smoking can not be called a cause of death by itself; it simply causes diseases that account for more deaths that anything else.

What are some leading health causes of death in the us?

Some of the leading causes of death are:diabetescancercar crashes

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What is the limit of human choice?

Death and taxes : )

How did the lifestyle change in the influence of the black death?

It is said that it converted many to christianity.

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