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The nurse is concerned that Romeo's motivation in pursuing a relationship with Juliet may be driven more by infatuation or impulsivity rather than genuine love and commitment. She worries about the potential consequences of such hasty decisions on both Romeo and Juliet's well-being.

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Q: What is the nurse concerned about regarding romeos motivation?
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The Nurse interupts their conversation (pretty much every conversation they have when you think about it)

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It is Juliet's nurse who interrupts Juliet's and Romeo's conversation on the balcony. She calls Juliet back inside, urging her to come back to her room.

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The nurse's primary motivation in helping Juliet be with Romeo is to see Juliet happy and in love. She cares deeply for Juliet and wants to support her in pursuing her desires and finding happiness in her relationship with Romeo.

Why is Juliet annoyed at the beginning of scene 5!?

Because the nurse is taking too long to respond/return with romeos answer.

Do mothers like it when they nurse you when you are ill?

Mothers love their children and are concerned when they are ill.

Who is Juliet's confidante?

well, the confidant of Juliet would be the nurse. because she secretly assisted Juliet in communication between the two main characters, (keeping it a secret from the parents of Juliet), Juliet even asked romeo to marry her through the nurse. :) , oh and if you want to know who romeos is its either: Mercutio, his cousin (i don't recall the name), or father Laurence who is the most likely.