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Nursing interventions for epileptics include:

Maintaining a safe environment for the patient;

Ensuring record keeping is kept up-to-date (i.e seizure charts, care plans);

Ensuring vital signs are taken 4 hourly and after a seizure (i.e should you question Neurological problems after a seizure commence patient on the Glasgow Coma Scale or your own equivalency);

Ensuring the patient takes medication as prescribed

Hope that's a good basis! Doing the assignment and looking for more! :)

Good Luck x

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Keep the patient flat on their back, lift up the mandible (jaw) forward and keep the tongue from falling back into the throat. Make sure their are no oral foreign objects. Contrary to popular opinion, one cannot actually "swallow their tongue", although it can obstruct the airway if it falls backwards in an unconscious patient. It is much more common for someone to bite their tongue during a grand mal. Most nursing wards have "bite blocks" and oral airway devices which can perform these duties. Rarely does someone require intubation for seizure, although you should always be prepared to do so at a moment's notice if need be.

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Q: What is the nursing intervention of airway to epilepsy patient?
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