

What is the oddesey?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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βˆ™ 14y ago

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homers second epic dealing with gods and mythical creatures

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Q: What is the oddesey?
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Baer is the last name of the Inventor who invented Video games. you know pong? he invented the magnavox Oddesey

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The Trojan war was a war. Two countries were fighting to learn more about it read the Oddesey by Homer

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Super Mario oddesey, they don’t make super Mario 3D all stars anymore.

Who is Argos and why is he significant in the Oddesey?

Argos is Odysseus' dog. He was a puppy when Odysseus left to fight and Troy. When Odysseus returned to his kingdom disguised as a beggar, he found that his dog was old and really dirty. Odysseus could not show affection to Argos or he would give his disguise away. But once Argos saw Odysseus, he thumped his tail and could barley lift his head because he was so old. He caught sight of Odysseus and painlessly died, for he was finally at peace because he saw his master again. It is a beautiful moment in the epic poem.

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What was the first video game system and game?

The first video game is an often debated topic. The idea of computer that could play games actually dates back to the inventor of the computer himself, Charles Babbage. While designing his never completed Analytical Engine in 1837, a machine he hoped would be able to carry out any mathematical function, he realised it would be capable of playing simple games such as tic-tac-toe and chess. The first actual computer that played a game was called the Nimatron. It was developed and built by Edward U. Condon in 1940 to play the Chinese game of Nim. The game was displayed 'visually' by illuminating columns of lightbulbs. That same year it was demonstrated at the New York World's Fair where it was played by 50,000 people. Source: The first computer game to be displayed on an actual screen was called OXO. It was written for the EDSAC computer by Alexander S. Douglas in 1952 for his Ph.D thesis on human-computer interaction for the University of Cambridge. Spacewar! developed by Steve Russell in 1962 is the first computer game developed for an already existing system; the PDP-1 computer. This also made it the first game to be distributed. The source code was made available to anyone who requested it. Computer Space made in 1971 by Nutting Associates was the world's first commercially sold video game of any kind. The coin-operated video game was created by Nolan Bushnell and Ted Dabney, the later founders of Atari. A year later in 1972 the Magnavox Odyssey, created by Ralph H. Baer, became the first commercially sold video game console.

What came first the chicken or the cat?

neither. it was the road of life that was first. the chicken has to learn how to cross the road to become the everlasting egg. or was it the egg that has to learn how to become the never dying chicken? think of the earth as an egg. under incubation for a while just waiting for a chance to hatch and fly off. visit the end of the 2001 space oddesey movie and you will get it. remember it is all in the books, tapes , and discs. end of discussion. in my version of the looking glass book he does not fall. a nasty side reference is the Wallendas (sp?).<is it the www.of deceit.con?> tough stuuff. look at the alphabet: 666 is fox. time that is a crime as well: 666+6 just as there are no ledges in the houses of lies and bribaries (the library). hold on a second: charlie brown's head looked like an egg! he philosophized on a brick wall just as H. Dumpty did. his jersey even appeared as a broken egg in the colors of a school bus. why are the schools so cruel? they even feed gruel. perhaps that this is because this curse just gets worse and worse.perhaps because this verse is terse. i can go on for a bit more yet it gets to be a bore. the 666s: 60 seconds (6+0=6), 60 minutes(6+0=6), 24 hours (2+4=6). just for good measure we encoded it like this: 24/7 (24x 7= 168. check this out:we all know the term 86ed and the presisident gw was #43. 43 =1/2of 86 and 168:1+6=7,7+8+=15, 1+5=6 just for good measure) look up the word catagenisis.took me long enough to this blog to tie this into the main questionthis,eh?. the alphabet: f is the sixth letter, o is the 15(1+5=6), and x is the 24(2+4=6). so fox is 666 fox nuisance and noose anybody? ruprert(ruppee(sic)) thing one:monkey see monkey pee). thing two: monkey see monkey doo-doo.(gone the way of the dodo). we gave it to you all and you did not take advantage of it! yertle heads!bill gates: the almighty dollar and the all seeing eye through the window.both of their currancies did not see a thing santa (same letters as Satan just rearanged. they both even wear red. perhaps that is the most blatent bipolar disorder. in some Dennis miller fashion i am tired of this rant. we overlayed this place thoughly, enough said. listen to a tune and you will see a toon. watch a toon and you will hear a tune. your gods are frauds and they know that. just as your wizards are lizards. LOSERS! who knows if this will all get edited out because truth is something easily dismissed in the eyes of blindness. just thought i would try to toss it out there.