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I'm not sure there is a single answer to your question. At least from a regulatory perspective, the definition of "fertilizer" varies from state to state. In some states, seaweed extract, or kelp extract as it may also be called, may not contain enough nutrients to meet their legal definition of fertilizer. In others it does.

The Association of American Plant Food Control Officials (AAPFCO) is the closest thing there is to standardization of fertilizer regulations. In their official definitions, AAPFCO only acknowledges the term "kelp," which it defines as "the dried marine algae fo the botanical divisions of Rhodophyta (red algae), Phaeophyta (brown algae), and Chlorophyta (green algae)." If a product met the definition of "fertilizer," it's official name for AAPFCO purposes would be "kelp extract fertilizer."

Although several seaweed species are used in horticultural products, the most common is Ascophyllum nodosum.

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Q: What is the official science name for seaweed extract fertilizer?
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The best way to convert seaweed into organic fertilizer is to compost it. You can add other organic materials to it or just use seaweed; turn the compost pile frequently to aid in the breakdown of the seaweed. Don't use it on the garden until it has completely broken down.

Is seaweed a good fertilizer?

yes i think so,we lived right on the sea and i remember my uncles drawing seaweed from the strand it was so good for all the veg

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Is carrageenan bad for you?

There is no official statement from the FDA on carrageenan. However, many people have bad reactions to it when it is consumed. It is extracted from red seaweed. states that it is not natural due to powerful alkali solvents being used to extract it from the seaweed. Still not sure about it? Consider this - carrageenan is used to de-ice frozen airplanes sitting on tarmacs during winter storms.

Is sea weed used to thicken ice cream?

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