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Q: What is the oldest known plant used for feeding livestock?
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What is the oldest known plant form of life?

The oldest known flowering plant is the Amborella. It first appeared on the Earth around 140 million years ago during the Mesozoic Era, the Cretaceous Period and the Upper Epoch.

Is it true or false that the oldest known vascular plants in the northern hemisphere are Devonian?

marijuana is the oldest known plant it was said in the bible "marijuana thy shall be inhaled or made into food "

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It may be oldest vascular rainforest plant

Is Mexican rattle pod plant toxic to cattle?

The rattle pod plant contains selenium among other chemicals which causes livestock (especially cows) to become addicted to the plant and ingest the plant's toxins and essentially "eat themselves to death". Many times the cattle (or other livestock) to exhibit strange behavior which is why rattle pod is also known as Locoweed.

What was the meaning of pumpkin?

A well-known trailing plant (Cucurbita pepo) and its fruit, -- used for cooking and for feeding stock; a pompion.

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The oldest known fossil angiosperms, were found in Lower Cretaceous parts of North America.

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"Ohio pulp mills" oldest paper recycling plant in US

How do you make a plant unhealthy?

not feeding it

What is the oldest paper recycling plant in the US?

"Ohio pulp mills" oldest paper recycling plant in US

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How is marijuana is made and where it comes from?

Well, put very simply, it's a plant. It grows. The most ancient plant remains and oldest known strains have been found in the mountains of Afghanistan. -DCF

What is the functions of primary growth in plant?

by feeding them with water