

What is the only animal can have eggs?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Duck Billed Playpus and Spiny Echidnas are both egg laying mammals.

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Q: What is the only animal can have eggs?
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What animal does not lay any eggs?

Only birds lay eggs

Do male salmon lay eggs or only female?

No, only the female of ANY animal produces eggs.

What is the only animal that lays eggs and has fur?

A platypus.

Macaroni is what type of animal?

Macaroni is Pasta, made from wheat, eggs and water. The only animal product in pasta would be eggs.

Can male snapping turtles lay eggs?

no the only male animal that can lay eggs are sea horses

How do we know that which animal lays eggs and witch doesn't lay eggs?

Usually only birds, reptiles, amphibians, arachnids and some insects lay eggs but the best way to know for sure if an animal lays eggs is to look that specific animal up on the Internet or wait and see what kind of baby it has (egg, larvae, live, etc.). There are only two mammals that lay eggs which are echidnas and platypuses.

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Platypus cause they are the only mamals that lay eggs

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What type of animal buries purple eggs underground?

There is not an animal that buries purple-colored eggs in the ground.Ducks are one of the only animals that can lay purple-colored eggs.They do not bury them though.

What sea animal does not have babies?

If you mean mammals platypus are the only mammals that lay eggs!!

How many egg laying animals are in the world?

The amount of eggs that an animal produces will vary depending on the animal. For example, a penguin only lays one or two eggs at a time and a bird can lay up to four at a time.

What a animal that is different then the others?

The platypus because it's the only animal that lays eggs and the only one with a beaver tail and a duck bill that is a semi aquatic mammal.