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protein is the only thing

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Q: What is the only food that can supply nitrogen?
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Related questions

Why is nitrogen an essential for living organism?

Nitrogen is essential for living organisms because it helps plants grow, and plants supply animals their food. And without plants we would die.

Does the venus fly trap eat food only containg nitrogen?


What is the difference between nitrogen and food grade nitrogen?

Food grade nitrogen doesn't have any contaminants in it; regular nitrogen might.

Which is not true of lipids?

they supply cells with nitrogen

What is a seeds food supply?

There is no food supply for seeds but there is a food supply for animals that eat seeds is called food seed supply.

What advantage has the zebra over the lion in its supply of food?

A zebra eats only plants and grass so it has a large supply of food compared to a lion which only eats certain animals, of which can be hard to find.

What is autatrophic?

Autotrophic organisms are plants that don't need an exogenous supply of organic nutrition. Autotrophic organisms make their food from inorganic compounds, e.g. nitrogen.

How does nitrogen enter a food web?

Nitrogen enters the food web when plants absorb nitrogen compounds from the soil and convert them into proteins.

How do we get nitrogen with out breathing it in?

We get nitrogen in a usable form from our food.

What is an example of commensalism in Never Cry Wolf?

The foxes eat from the wolves' food supply. The wolves themselves are not hurt or benefitted, only their food supply is. Therefore, it's commensalism.

What constituents of food provide nitrogen?

any food containing proteins.

How does the supply of nitrogen in grains take place?

From old Leaves.