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Q: What is the only political office voted for by the people?
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There could be only 2 Senators for each state and they have to be voted by the people into office

Who is the only president that served two terms as president but was voted out of office after his first term and then voted back into office four years later?

Grover Cleveland

Why is it the rich are the only ones who can run for political office?

You don't have to be rich to run for political office.

Who could hold political office in early office?

In early Rome, only patricians could hold political office.

Are members of the legislative branch chosen by the president?

False, they are not. The people vote them in.

When congress counted the voted for president the tally showed that vote for George Washington was?

George Washington the was only President that was unanimously voted into the office of POTUS. He did not run or seek the office of POTUS so in a way he was drafted.

How is a percent used?

it is a figure expressed on the basis of parts per 100. For example you may say that only 50% of the people voted, in other words only 50 people out of 100 voted.

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What was the only national political office to which Gerald Ford was elected?

House of Representatives.

What was the only national political office to which President Ford was elected?

House of Representatives

Should the president of the US only be elected by the people?

No they should be voted in by kids. :)

Can only Hispanics born in America be elected to a political office?

I really don't know