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Q: What is the only single nation continent?
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What is the only single-nation continent?


How many continents in Australia?

Australia is a single continent, as well as being one nation on that continent. It is not the same as Oceania which is often referred to as a continent, but which is only a geographical region, not a true continent.

What nation is Africa considered?

Africa is not a single nation it is a continent of 53 independent countries

What makes Australia a continent country?

Australia is a continent country because the entire continent is occupied by a single country, Australia. No other continent on earth is occupied by a single nation as Australia is.

What nation is only continent sized nation?


What is Only continent-sized nation?


What is the only nation that occupies an entire continent?


What continent contains Australia?

Australia. Australia is the only nation in the world that is also a continent.

Is Antarctica a continent occupied by one nation only?

Antarctica is not 'occupied' by any nation.

What country is the smallest continent?

That'd be Australia, the only Place that's both a continent and a nation.

What continent has no primary language?

The continent of Antarctica has no primary language. This is because it has no indigenous people, nor any permanent settlements by a single nation.

Which continent are the only land that rules one continent?

Perhaps you mean what continent is ruled by one nation? In which case the answer is Australia.