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Q: What is the only state in the US that is made up entirely of islands?
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What is the only state in the US that is entirely islands?

Hawaii is the only U.S. state composed entirely of islands.

Why is Hawaii different from other states?

It is the only state made entirely out of islands. Its capital city is Honolulu.

Hawaii differs from other states why?

It is the only state made entirely out of islands. Its capital city is Honolulu.

How is Hawaii differ from other states?

It is a string of islands, not like other states! :) ^_^

When did Hawai became the50th US state?

August 21, 1959, and is the only U.S. state made up entirely of islands

What is the only state in the United States that is made up of islands?

Hawaii is the only state in the US that is made up of islands.

Which state is completely surrounded by ocean and what ocian is it?

HawaiiHawaii is completely surround by the Pacific Ocean. It is the only state made up entirely of islands. It is comprised of hundreds of islands; eight of them are considered "main islands".

What is the name of the state only state in the US that is made of several islands?

Hawaii is made up of islands that vary in shape.

What is the name of the only state in the US that is made of several islands?

Hawaii is made up of islands that vary in shape.

What is the only state in the you s that made up of islands?


What is only state in the US that is made up of islands?


What is the only state made up of islands in the us?
