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Q: What is the operational definition for you will test these two fertilizers to determine which one helps plants grow faster?
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How fertilizers can be helpful to farming?

They make plants grow bigger and faster.

What fertilizers will help lima bean plants grow faster?


What types of fertilizers help tomato pants to grow faster?

Fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the ratio of 60 : 20: 20 parts per measuring unit.

Why do many fertilizers have a high nitrogen content?

because plants love nitrogen! it makes them grow faster.

What is the definition of aceleration?

To be moving progressively faster.

Methods of intensive farming?

One way is they use artificial/chemical fertilizers for the soil to encourage the crops to grow faster.

How do farmers use fertilizers to help their crop yield?

They spread them on the fields where it feeds the plants and make them grow bigger/faster.

What washes into streams that may cause plant and algae growth?

Fertilizers wash into streams that may ultimately cause plant and alge growth. This is often caused when near by farms use fertilizers on their crops to get them to grow faster.

Which is faster a main frame computer or supercomputer?

Given similar technology the supercomputer is faster, by definition.

What is the definition of faster?

Having rapid movement or action.

Do plant grow faster with Nitrogen Fertilizer or with Fertilizer?

Pea plants grow faster with phosphate-based fertilizers than with nitrogenous fertilizers. They have too much vine growth at the expense of peas and pods when the fertilizer is either balanced or nitrogen-heavy. Fertilizers such as 5-10-10 minimize nitrogen and put phosphorus and potassium in equal amounts since they respectively promote healthy, strong roots and disease-resistant body parts, especially fruits.

What is the same between fertilizers and pesticides?

Fertilizers contain nutrients which help plants grow better (faster, bigger, healthier and in more abundance) Pesticides eliminate pests (bugs and fungi) that could inhibit plant grown by either killing the pests or keeping them away from the plants. Some pesticides and fertilizers are chemical.. some are organic.