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The word 'frantic' is an adjective, a word that describes a noun.

The noun form for the adjective frantic is franticness.

Some antonyms for the adjective frantic are: calm, composed, cool, tranquil.

Some antonyms for the noun franticness are: calmness, composure, coolness, tranquility.

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Q: What is the opposite noun of frantic?
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Is frantic a noun?

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No, it does not."Frantic" is an adjective. "Struggle" is a noun or a verb.

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"Step-brother" is a noun and does not have an opposite.

What is the opposite Frantic?

Frantically means in a confused and reckless manner or state. Its opposite word (or antonyms) could be:calmly,collectedly,composedly,coolly (or cooly),imperturbably,peacefully,unconcernedly,mildly, ortamely.

What is the part of speech of frantic?

Frantic is an adjective.