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The opposite of the word minimum is maximum.

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Q: What is the opposite of a minimum?
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What is the opposite minimum?

The opposite of minimum is maximum.

What is opposite of minimum?

The opposite of minimum is maximum.

What is the opposite of minimum?

The opposite of minimum is maximum.

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What is the opposite to maximum?


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Something is in "equilibrium" when it is in a state of perfect balance or rest. All forces acting on it are equal and opposite. It is in a "minimum" energy state.

What is the angle between 2 vectors when their sum is maximum?

180 degrees* * * * *The exact opposite!Maximum = 0 degrees, minimum = 180 degrees.

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Two vectors; V1 + V2=0 where V1= -V2, two opposite vectors.

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The minimum resultant possible when adding a 5-N force to an 8-N force is 3 N. This occurs when the two forces are acting in opposite directions and are subtracted from each other.

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A rhombus has 2 equal opposite acute angles and 2 equal opposite obtuse angles whereas the 4 interior angles add up to 360 degrees

What is maximum price legislation?

it is the opposite of minimum price is the commodity sold at a price above the one stated whereby the seller can increase the price of the commodity at will without prejudice