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Q: What is the opposite of again?
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What is the opposite of relive?

Meaning: Experience again, often in the imagination Opposite of relive is forget.

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Does your exgirlfiend consider getting back together with you in the future if she tell's that she is not ready to jump in this again?

No - she actually told you the opposite meaning she does not want to be in a relationship such as yours again.

How is magnetizing an object the opposite of demagnetizing a magnet?

Demagnetizing. Place the magnet at the opposite end of the metal from where you magnetized it. Again, the magnet must make as much contact with the metal as possible. Rub the metal with the magnet in the opposite direction that you used to magnetize it.

How can you breed a Bulbasaur?

you need bulbasaur or one of the evolutions and a ditto or again a bulbasaur or evolution of the opposite sex

Why is there no equal and opposite reaction when you jump into the air?

answ2. When you jump up, there is a force on the ground exactly equal to the force required for that particular leap. But of opposite sign.And when you land, the force on the ground is equal to the force you feel on landing. Again, of opposite sign.

Why can't i get changed on blah hotel?

what ever sex has crashed so you cant get changed then change to the opposite then sign out then log back in and you will be able to change again when you change back to the opposite sex :)

What are the norms of conduct in interacting with the opposite sex?

this depends on where. ask again more specifically and I'll tell you all i know.

How do you understand if he likes you?

He will either buy you lots of presents but give them to you in private. Or he will include you alot more than he used to, then again he might do the opposite.

Your coke cap is turning but won't come off?

keep turning and if it wont come off turn the opposite way then try again

What words are opposite of hypothesis?

Again, I don't know because I AM THE ONE WHO ASKED THE QUESTION! Jeez people you guys need to be more accurate...

What is the opposite of fossils?

the opposite of a fossil is what i just seen. where the imprints are opposite but exprints, it is like the original fossil, or piece of fossilized flesh was somehow reheated bent and refossilized again. so it is per say " inside out " you need to see a picture to understand. it is see through like an aggot. but has the oldest fossil properties.