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Q: What is the opposite of anabolic?
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Are glucocorticoids considered anabolic steroids?

no, in fact corticosteroids can cause fat gain, and muscle wasting. The exact opposite effect of anabolic/androgenic steroids

What is anabolic pathaway?

Simply put, its a pathway where larger molecules are made from smaller intermediates and requires energy. This is the opposite to catabolism.

Is protein synthesis an anabolic reaction?

it is anabolic

What are anabolic steroids and why do athletes use them?

An anabolic steroid is any of a group of synthetic steroid hormones used to stimulate muscle and bone growth. Anabolic steroids, or anabolic-androgenic steroids are a class of steroid hormones related to the hormone testosterone. which results in the buildup of cellular tissue especially in muscle.

Is starch catabolic or anabolic?


What foods are anabolic foods?

Anabolic steroids, officially known as anabolic-androgen steroids

Is beta oxidation anabolic or catabolic?


WhAt type of reaction is building muscle tissue?

In physiology any process that builds up a tissue (whether it be muscle or bone or fat etc.) is called anabolic (as in "anabolic steroids", which build muscle). The opposite is catabolic, which refers to those processes that break down tissue.

What is an anabolic?

An anabolic is another term for an anabolic steroid - a class of steroid hormones which promote the growth of tissue.

What is Anabolic Respiration?

anabolic respiration is reathing through the anabolic process. It is anerobic respiration. It does not require oxygen

Is fasting a anabolic reaction?

it could be anabolic and catabolic

Which reaction is uphill anabolic or catabolic?

Anabolic Reaction