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Antonyms of careful that have that kind of C are capricious, injudicious, nonchalant, and unconcerned.

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The opposite of careful with a C pronounced like an S is "careless."

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Q: What is the opposite of careful that has a C with the sound of an S?
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What sound does c have in this word cinnamon?

The C in cinnamon has the soft c sound which sounds like the letter s.Examples:CeleryCentipedeCinnamonCircleCircusCityCylinderThe above words all begin with C and sound like S.

How is c pronounced on the word facade?

In the word "facade," the letter "c" is pronounced as an "s" sound.

Does cabaret have a hard or soft consonant sound for a beginning letter?

The first letter in "cabaret" is a hard "c", pronounced the same as the letter "k". A soft "c" sound is like the letter "s", and generally occurs only when the "c" is followed by the vowels "e" or "i" (or "y" acting as a vowel). For example, the "c"s in "center" and "citation" are soft. The "c"s in "cast", "corner", and "cupcake" are hard.

What spanish letters sound like an English letter S?

S and (in Latin American Spanish) Z and soft C.

Why doesn't the soft G rule always work?

There are some rules with hard and soft C/G. The hard C makes a K sound, which is the regular pronunciation while the soft C makes an S sound. The hard G sounds almost like a K, but in a voiced sound or a voiced K, which is the regular pronunciation and the soft G makes a J sound. The hard pronunciation sound is the regular pronunciation. Whether the C/G is hard or soft, it depends on the following letters. If the C/G is followed by an E, I, or Y, which are the softeners, then they'll soften into an S/J sound. If the C/G is followed by anything else or it ends a word, then they'll remain hard. Hard C=K Sound Soft C=S Sound Hard G=G Sound Soft G=J Sound C/G→E, I, Y=Soft Sound (S/J) C/G→Anything Else=Hard Sound (K/G) The soft C rules doesn't cause any problem because the C have another same sound letter, which is K, so if the following letters is a softener, the K can just replace the C. The soft G rules can cause some problem because the G doesn't another same sound letter, therefore if we still want a hard G sound, English is forced to stick with the G. That's why the soft G rules doesn't work as often as C. There are some rule-breaker exceptions like gear, get, gelding, give, girl, giggle, gift, tiger, gill, etc. Verb suffixes like singing, hanging, etc. then that's when the G remains hard despite the following softeners. Here are some rule-breaker exceptions with the soft G rule: anger, hunger, burger, bagel, gibbon, gibbous, geese, eager, fungi, login, begin, singer, hanger, Giza, gecko, linger, together

Related questions

What letters make the sound s?

The letters 'c' and 'z' make the 's' sound.:)

What is the difference in the speed of sound at 0 degrees C and the speed of sound at 25 degrees C?

Speed of sound in air is c ≈ 331 + 0.6 × T. T = Temperature. Speed of sound in air at 0°C is c ≈ 331 + 0.6 × 0 = 331 m/s. Speed of sound in air at 25°C is c ≈ 331 + 0.6 × 25 = 346 m/s. The difference is 346 m/s − 331 m/s = 15 m/s.

Does cereal have a hard c sound?

Soft c makes a S sound but really is a C.The word cereal has the soft c sound.

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Is the s or the c silent in scent?

The C

When does a 'C' make a 'S' sound?

when an 'e' comes after the 'c'

What sound does c have in this word cinnamon?

The C in cinnamon has the soft c sound which sounds like the letter s.Examples:CeleryCentipedeCinnamonCircleCircusCityCylinderThe above words all begin with C and sound like S.

How many Japanese words with c?

none. There is no "c" in the Japanese language. There is k (for a hard c sound) and s (for a soft c sound) though.

How many sounds does the letter c have?

The c can make 2 sounds. It can make the k sound and the s sound.

How much is velocity?

Speed of sound c = 343 m/s at 20°C.Speed of sound c = 331.3 m/s at 0°C.Mind the temperature.

Speed of sound in 30 degrees Celsius?

what is the speed of sound if the temperature is 50o C

What sound does c have in the word exception?

it should sound like an "s"pronunciation of exception: ik-sep-shuh n"x" sounds like "ks", usually. The "c" in exceptioncarries on the "s" sound.