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Exo- is the prefix opposite to endo-, as in exoskeleton and endoskeleton.

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3h ago

The opposite of "endo" is "ecto," which means outside or external.

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13y ago

its a wheelie. An endo is when you wheelie on your back tire.

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What does the root endo mean?

The prefix endo- means within

What does the prefix endo mean?

Endo means to gather. One of the most common words with this is endothermic.

What are some words with endo at the beginning?

1. Endobronchial : ENDO bronchial (en do bron' ki al) adj. Within the cavity of a bronchus 2. Endocardial : ENDO cardial (en do kard' ee al) adj. Within the heart 3. Endochrome : ENDO chrome (en' do krome) n. Coloring matter within the cell 4. Endocrine : ENDO crine (en' do krin) n. Any internal secretion 5. Endocrinology : ENDO crinology (en do kri nol' o jee) n. Science of the endocrine glands 6. Endocrinopathy : ENDO crinopathy (en do kri nop' a thi) n. Disorder of the endocrine glands 7. Endogamy : ENDO gamy (en dog' a mee) n. Marriage within a legally designated group 8. Endoparasite : ENDO parasite (en do par' a site) n. A parasite living within the body; as, a tapeworm 9. Endogeny : ENDO geny (en doj' e nee) n. Growth from within 10. Endogastric : ENDO gastric (en do gas' trik) adj. Relating to the inside of the stomach 11. Endopsychic : ENDO psychic (en do sie' kik) adj. Developing within the psyche 12. Endorachis : ENDO rachis (en do ray' kis) n. The membrane lining in the spinal canal 13. Endoral : END oral (en do' ral) adj. Within the mouth 14. Endoscope : ENDO scope (en' do skope) n. Instrument to see the interior of a hollow organ 15. Endosepsis : ENDO sepsis (en do sep' sis) n. Internal rotting away of figs 16. Endosteal : END osteal (en dos' tee al) adj. Within the bone 17. Endothermy : ENDO thermy ( en do ther' mee) n. Surgical production of heat within the tissues 18. Endotoxin : ENDO toxin (en do tok' sin) n. A toxin of internal origin 19. Endotrophic : ENDO trophic (en do trof' ik) adj. Nourished from within 20. Endophagy : ENDO phagy (en dof' a ji) n. Cannibalism within the family or tribe

What is the definition of the prefix in the word endothermic?

The prefix "endo-" in the word endothermic means "inside" or "within." In the context of endothermic reactions, it indicates that heat is absorbed or taken in from the surroundings.

What is the meaning of endomic?

German: Endoskopische Minimalinvalive Chirurgiein English Endo-MIS: Endoscpic minimally invasive surgery

Related questions

What is the opposite of exo?

The opposite of exo- is endo-.

What is the opposite of ecto?

Endo (inside of)

What prefix is the opposite of the prefix endo?

Exo as in exocrine organ (i.e. Pancreas)

Are saint barnards endoskeletons?

The 'endo' in the word 'endoskeleton' is a big clue because it means 'inner.' So, yes, a St. Bernard has an endoskeleton. The opposite of endo is exo. An exoskeleton is an 'outer skeleton.'

Does a lion have a exoskeleton or endo?

Lions have endoskeletons because they are mammals and we are mammals.

Is the human skeleton and endo skeleton or exoskeleton?


Are fox is endoskeleton?

endo yeah endoskeleton

What is the meaning of endo-skeletons?

Meaning of endo- (preffix)inner; insideExample of endo-The endoskeleton is the supporting structure in an organism.

Is Endo a language?

Yes Endo is a l;language from Kenya

When was Tadashi Endo born?

Tadashi Endo was born in 1947.

When was Takehiko Endo born?

Takehiko Endo was born in 1938.

When was Endo Pharmaceuticals created?

Endo Pharmaceuticals was created in 1997.