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Q: What is the opposite of executive?
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Related questions

Did the framers want the executive branch to have unlimited power?

No, just the opposite. They didn't want a king so they made sure that there was checks and balances on the branches of government.

Where can I conduct an executive dating search?

Try using professional dating agencies. This will help narrow down your search and will weed out some of the people that are the complete opposite of what you're looking for.

Which branch of government is most of the federal bureaucracy found in?


What is the antonymn for executive?

The antonym of executive is non-executive

The president is part of what branch of government?

The President is chief executive officer of the Executive Branch.

Which government branch is free from executive control?

The EXECUTIVE branch

Who hold the chief executive of the executive branch today?

The President is chief executive of the Executive Branch of the US government.

What type of jobs have executive in their title?

There are many different types of jobs that have "executive" in their name. Some of the jobs that include executive in their title are "Executive Management" and Executive Officer".

What branch of government is the president chief of?

The president is chief of the executive branch of government.

Why does Texas have a plural executive?

why do we have plural executive

Where can executive aircraft be purchased?

Executive aircraft can be purchased from websites like Executive Aircraft Solutions, MWE, Executive-Aircraft, Controller, Executive Aircraft Charter and AV Jet.

What are the roles of a Executive?

Senior Executive