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Is there a word that is the opposite of funnier?

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Q: What is the opposite of funnier?
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Funnier than what? They're already funnier than salt. So yes. they ca be funnier than some other things, certainly.

What is funnier the LEGO movie or MrPeabody?

The Lego movie is way funnier.

How do you use funnier in a sentence?

im funnier than u ponned

What is the comparative and superlative forms of funny?

funniest, funnier

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nigahiga is ten times funnier, TEE-HEE.

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Top Gear is Much funnier.

What part of speech is funnier?

The word funnier is an adjective. It describes something that is more funny.

What is better transformers or hot fuzz?

Hot Fuzz. It is funnier, better story line, funnier, awesome characters, funnier and last but not least Funnier!! However all this depends on what sort of movie you like but for comedy definitely Hot Fuzz.

What is the comparative and superlative for funny?

Comparative degree of funny: Funnier Superlative degree of funny: Funniest Thank you hope this helped :)

Is funnier a comparative adjective?

Yes, "funnier" is the comparative form of the adjective "funny," used to compare two things' humor level. For example, "This joke is funnier than the one you told yesterday."

How do you make a sentence with the word funnier?

Jeff likes comic books, but I think cartoons are funnier.

What are the three forms ---comparative and superlative forms of funny?

Comparative form: funnier Superlative form: funniest