

What is the opposite of lay?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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Q: What is the opposite of lay?
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Lay is the opposite of clerical.

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A lay-person would be the opposite of a priest.

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It will lay an egg eventually if you put the opposite gender /male a female might lay an egg.

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The opposite action of recline (lay back) would be to sit up.The opposite action of recline (lay down) would be to stand.The opposite position of reclined could be upright.

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Stand, squat, crouch, or lay down

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Parakeets lay fertile eggs when they are with the opposite gender (i.e male with female) and they have a warm, comfortable place to lay it such as a nest box.

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If the mat is flexible enough, pick it up and roll it in the opposite direction that it was laying. Might have to do this a few time, but it will straighten out and lay flat.

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Normally, most domesticated/bought fish would lay their eggs in the tank, anywhere really, normally overnight. This will only happen if you have 2 opposite sex of the same kind of fish.

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Voltorb may only lay an egg if you breed him with a Pokemon perferably another Voltorb of the opposite sex or a ditto. What you have to do is put either of the two groups and put them in the Day Care Center.

What is the opposite of deacon?

In Catholic, Anglican, and Orthodox churches a deacon is an ordained minister of an order ranking below that of priest. There can be no opposite. In these churches there are simply different roles that people play. The laity (or members) have a number of roles reserved for them, the religious (minsiters, nuns, etc) have other roles.

What is the opposite of an alert guard dog?

This would probably be a "lap dog" that likes to lay around and snooze alot. Also known as a "couch potatoe".