

What is the opposite of nitrogen?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: What is the opposite of nitrogen?
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What do lungs absorb from the air?

Lungs absorb gases from the air. These include oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen. The oxygen is higher in concentration outside of the lung and so passes into the lung and to the blood. The opposite is true of carbon dioxide. There is much more nitrogen than any other gas but it is passive and the body doesn't make use of nitrogen this way.

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Some plants, such as beans, put nitrogen, an incredibly essential nutrient, back into the soil, whereas others do the opposite. Also, they can prevent erosion.

What are some substances in nitrogen?

Nitrogen is a gaseous element, that is, what is in nitrogen is nitrogen.

What is the most abundent element in the earth's atmosphere?

Nitrogen is!

What are the nitrogen atoms?

Nitrogen atoms, of course. Naturally occurring nitrogen has two isotopes: nitrogen-14 and nitrogen-15.

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What does napalm do to vegetation?

naplam burns the land and the plants turns to ashs its the opposite of liquide nitrogen naplam is a extremely hot substances that burns and kills thnigs in other words thas what it does

What are the gases in nitrogen?

Nitrogen is simply nitrogen. It is an element

Do you calculate total organic nitrogen by adding nitrate nitrogen and nitrite nitrogen?

I believe you determine Organic Nitrogen by subtracting Ammonia Nitrogen from Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen.

What is correct IUPAC name for the compound NF3?

The name after IUPAC is nitrogen trifluoride (in English).