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Q: What is the opposite of sameness or uniformity?
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How does the sameness in the community's geography parallel the community's structurs and values in the giver?

The sameness in the community's geography, such as the uniformity of buildings and lack of geographical features, reflects the structured and controlled nature of the community. It symbolizes the conformity and limitations imposed on individuals by the community's strict rules and values, which prioritize efficiency and predictability over individuality and diversity. This uniformity extends beyond just physical geography to encompass social structures and beliefs as well.

What is a uniformity?

it's something who has only one form .the opposite word is multiformity

In the giver in creating sameness why take out colour?

In "The Giver," removing color helps to eliminate differences and distractions, promoting sameness among individuals. By removing color, the society avoids the emotional and psychological impact that different colors can have on people, ensuring uniformity and control over the citizens' experiences and perceptions.

In the Giver Book Explain how sameness has shaped the community?

In the book "The Giver," sameness has shaped the community by eliminating individuality and differences, creating a strict conformity among its members. This uniformity eliminates conflict and promotes stability, but also suppresses emotions, creativity, and personal freedoms. The community operates under a controlled environment where choices and experiences are limited to maintain sameness at the expense of true personal fulfillment.

Why did snow become obsolete when the community went to Sameness?

Snow became obsolete when the community implement Sameness because controlling the climate eliminated the need for weather changes such as snow. By regulating the temperature and environment, the community aimed to create stability and predictability in all aspects of life, including the climate. This decision helped ensure efficiency and uniformity throughout the community.

What values does the book the giver's society embrace and encourage?

The society in "The Giver" values conformity, control, and stability. They prioritize sameness and uniformity in order to prevent conflict and maintain order. Emotions and individuality are suppressed in favor of predictability and efficiency.

Why are you drivin to sameness?

The sameness or diversity in your life is up to you. If you are driven to sameness and are unhappy about it you should seek out professional help to find out how you can overcome it.

What words are used in chapter one to describe ordinary things In the giver?

In chapter one of "The Giver," words like "sameness," "precision," "uniformity," and "predictability" are used to describe ordinary things in the community. These words emphasize the strict control and lack of individuality present in their society.

What values does the books society embrace and encourage in the giver?

The society in "The Giver" values conformity, stability, and control. They emphasize sameness and discourage individuality or emotions in order to maintain a sense of order and harmony. The community prioritizes efficiency and uniformity over personal freedom and expression.

What is the concept of sameness?

There is not a value to sameness. Sameness is the same thing as equal value.