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Q: What is the opposite of this other than that?
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Opposite leaves are opposite each other, on opposite sides of the plant stem. Alternate leaves are on opposite sides of the stem but they are higher or lower than each other - not opposite

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What is the opposite of less than equal sign?

The opposite of less than or equal to is greater than or equal.And also:The opposite of greater than or equal to is less than or equal.

What is a quadrilateral with one pair of opposite sides parrellel?

It can only be none other than a trapezoid.

What is the opposite of felony?

There is no opposite word for felony. You may be thinkning of the lesser offense, known as a misdemeanor. Both are offenses, but one is more serious than the other.

What is a rectangle with one pair of opposite sides longer than the other pair called?

You just described a run-of-the-mill rectangle. A special case of the rectangle, where all sides are equal, is the square. But if you have a quadrilateral with four right angles and one pair of opposite sides is longer than the other pair of opposite sides, you have a rectangle. Period.

What is the opposite of thermal energy?

There is no opposite of thermal energy.Thermal energy is energy that comes from heat, and therefore comparable to temperature. There is no "opposite of temperature," and there is no "opposite of thermal energy."If an object has high thermal energy, it is hot. The opposite of that would be having low thermal energy, or being cold.

What is the opposite of demonstrate?

The word demonstrate does not have a precise opposite, other than "fail to demonstrate" but sometimes we can make a distinction between demonstration and assertion. That is the difference between showing and telling.

Is every number greater than its oppisites?

It is not clear what you mean by "oppisites" or even opposite. Often a number is the opposite of its opposite. So if the first is greater than the second, the second, which is the opposite of the first, is smaller than the first.

What number is 16 more than its opposite?

the number 8 is 16 more than its opposite