

What is the opposite of vacuum?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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14y ago

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== == The opposite of a vacuum is a volume of matter.

the opposite of a vacuum is a volume completely filled with matter... a space with no empty spaces within it...

the given name for which being Plenum...

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14y ago
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16y ago

Not everything has an opposite. You might say the opposite of black is white, but what is the opposite of gray? So there is no opposite of vacuum. Since vacuum is defined as the absence of matter, the opposite of vacuum could be defined as matter. But with the advent of modern physics, past definitions are usually irrelevant. For instance, in the "vacuum" of space, there is now proof that there is "dark matter" which is invisible but its gravitational effect on the universe could be clearly observed.

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Chris Kephart

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3y ago

vacuum being space and the opposite of a vacuum is when there is no space for space, an example of this in our world is the open ocean, any air (space) is quickly brought to the top and out, theres caves and things but not in the open ocean its truly the opposite of vacuum

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